Benefits and spin offs Any prospective private sector partner will no doubt benefit from the following: - 1. Accessibility to some of the finest irrigation land in South Africa. 1.1. No limitations as to water supply 2. Being first in the market with regards to certain crops such as grapes. 3. Endless supply of, solar and wind energy for drying crops and future electric energy generation. 4. Allegiance and access to well reputed strategic planning facility. 5. Grant funding for training in BEE structures. 6. Donor funding from various aid agencies. 7. Exposure to AGOA and various other export markets 8. Exposure to financiers for the overall strategies of the project 9. Exposure to the cross sector initiative introduced by the strategic planning wing 10. Exposure to various other potential partners 11. Possibility of having a share in the project 12. Positioning with regards to the acquisition of factories such as paprika or cucumber pickling plant 13. Positioning in respect of various other cross border projects andprojects in other African countries 14. Being able to freeze out competition in markets by taking up investment avenues in Africa south of the equator (supplying EU/USA winter markets) instead of allowing other FDI's to do so. 15. Taking part in and exploiting the beinifits of participation and sharing in the value adding chain 16. Possibility of spin offs from litigation against the paprika project by GDP farmers such as: - 16.1. Enhancement of security due to the Acquisition of title to the land by the other partners 16.2. Acquisition, shareholding or use of implements 16.3. Acquisition, shareholding or use of paprika factory 16.4. Injection of capital due to damages claimed and awarded 17. Positioned to take over management of Henkries dates project due to proximity. 18. Expansion into adjoining areas, cross border or otherwise. 19. Establishing a long term relationship backed by the prospects of huge contingency profits from long term crop establishment 20. Ideal positioning with respect to financing for ancillary projects such as fish farming, tourism and construction. 21. The obvious benefits of increasing your critical mass and diversification.