The Constitutionally
- State Religion -
The New South Africa
By Izak Labuschagne
Page No.
Opening Texts
Interim constitution of South Africa
Roots of Ubuntu
Contemporary Definitions
Secular Humanism
Humanist Manifesto II
Ruled a religion
Mandate of the masses ignored
International Agreements
Official definition and categorisation of “Fundamentalists”
Official Tools of enforcement in the USA
Provisional World Government - A New World Order
Can Parliament stop this?
What are the NWO trying to achieve by this?
Primary aims in the Global Village today are:-
Let me prove it to you.
Constitutional Court Judgements
Committee of 300
Jesuit Oath
National Intelligence
What does Scripture say
1. Commission of Inquiry’s Initial Report
2. Senator Prof. Mchunu’s letter
3. Instruction by Judge Levesohn to
4. International Agreement between RSA and
5. Journal of Theology For South Africa
7. Provisional World Government letter
11.Methodist Seminars
12.AE - Ubuntu
13.Koinoinia - preview
14.Rockefeller Empire
15.Committee of 300 Organisational
16.WCC poster
17.NI fax
Following a 40 day fast to find the Lord's will for our lives over two years ago, we have come long, long way. All that the Lord said, is now coming true. Without going into the details, as my testimony takes some time, the Lord showed us that I shall be a witness in the Courts to let the truth set people free. I am a layman and not an attorney or an advocate, yet I have issued process and made appearances in the Supreme Courts of Durban in both the ordinary and Admiralty Divisions, where the Lord led me to uncover the workings of secret societies and such gross irregularities that I was able to ask for some six cases to pend a Commission of Inquiry into Administrative Irregularities in the Judicial System and Activities by Members of Secret Societies, which request was heeded, and not surprising, as a member of the Judicial Services Commission, the Commission that appoints judges, stated that I had provided
"irrefutable evidence that goes to the very root of the system of the
integrity of the justice in Natal".
In the Pietermaritzburg Provincial Division I served process to take
a judge on Review, which case is still pending. In the largest Supreme Court in
South Africa, the Witwatersrand Local Division, Johannesburg, the Lord made it
possible for me to become the first person in S.A history who is a layman to
represented a political party, which case went as far as the Appellate Division
in Bloemfontein, where I had the privilege to served the Bible on all the
In Johannesburg one judge went so far as to instruct that the stenographer switch the recording machines off, in open in contempt of the Chief Justice, the Minister of Justice and the Judicial Services Commission.
In the highest Court in the country, the Constitutional Court I consequently became the first person to issue process against a judge president and his deputy.
In that case a Constitutional Judge did the unthinkable and went against his own precedent.
Appellate judges must have come under severe conviction (in the two or three short days in which they claim to have read through some 2,000 pages of litigation and the Bible, as they went so far as to commit open contempt of the constitution when they refused to disclose who heard the case (it was heard without me) and refuse, to this day, to give reasons for judgement, in direct violation of section 24 of the Interim Constitution which states:-
(a) Every
person shall have the right to lawfully fair administration of justice where
any of his rights
or legitimate expectations is affected or threatened and
(b) Shall be furnished with reasons in writing for administrative action which affects any of his o her rights or interests unless the reasons for such action have been made public
Now, in the Pretoria Provincial Division I will intervene and represent one of largest black churches in Southern Africa who have for the last 13 years, been subjected to persecution through litigation which has cost them millions of rands and has never produced any finality to the issue.
Out of all this came several ministries. My wife and I are full time in the service of God, with not fixed income but a firm faith based on the immovable promises of God. We now assist one of the secret societies, namely Freemasons, finding out the full truth about what they are involved in and how to deal with getting untangled from that web. We do this with compassion - I even intervened on their behalf in Johannesburg, upon which a judge recused himself from the bench. We expose all the secret societies of the New World Order, show how that fits into prophecy, what Gods plan is and what we should and should not do about it. I shall be speaking in Chatsworth on this topic on Sunday Morning. I lecture on Christians and litigation - what the Bible says and what the current attacks are upon the church are. I shall be speaking at another church in Chatsworth on Sunday evening on that topic, as they have come under attack from this latest wave of persecution against the body. I implore you to come and get informed about this. Get to know what God does and does not want the body of Christ to do in these situations. I speak on Military Intelligence indoctrination techniques into certain Christian organisations and National Intelligence infiltration techniques into these. I speak on brainwashing and conditioning techniques being used in Education as high up as law schools and universities, - on evolution and creation, Rock Music and Satanism in the Schools.
My wife and I are on an awareness campaign, whilst dealing with our own cases, the Commission of Inquiry and the cases of others - a full time job - in the miracle zone - on Gods payroll - he gives just the necessary and banks the rest where the moth and rust are not and the RAND crashes neither.
Nothing we do is in secret as Jesus commanded and we let the truth shine from the housetops. May you be set free by it. I shall now give you knowledge and truth, may bring you under the fear of God and set you free. Receive it (II Theselonians 2:9 on)
In Act 200/1993 the Interim Constitution of South Africa, just after the very last section (251) and before the schedules there is a paragraph all on its own, unmarked as to what it is in terms of section, schedule, article or whatever. It states that:-
'The pursuit of national unity, the well being of all South
African citizens and peace require reconciliation between the
peoples of South Africa and the reconstruction of society. (emphasis added)
I shall illustrate, quite simply, a little later on, how important National unity is and how it is linked to state policy and how that determines the outcome of litigation in S.A.
I shall also show throughout this lecture how the reconstruction of S.A is taking place and what form such reconstruction takes and what happens to those who do not comply with the proposed reconstruction of society.
It goes on to state that this can be achieved by certain needs, one of it is:-
"a need for Ubuntu .... in order to advance reconciliation and reconstruction"
Well is it really relevant to quote from this section in the constitution?
In section 232 of the Act which is headed interpretation we read as follows at subsection 4:-
"In interpreting this constitution a provision in any schedule,
including the heading "National
Unity and Reconciliation", to this constitution shall not by reason only
of the fact that it is contained in a schedule, have a lesser status than any
other provision of this constitution which is not contained in a schedule, and
such provision shall for all purposes be deemed to form part of the substance
of this constitution.”
In other words this need for Ubuntu is rather important, especially as section 4 of the constitution states:-
(1) This constitution shall be the supreme law of the Republic and
any law or act inconsistent with its provisions shall unless otherwise
provided expressly or by necessary
implication in this Constitution, be of no force and effect to the extent of
its inconsistency
(2) This Constitution shall bind all
legislative, executive and judicial organs of state.
Whilst a fair percentage of black people have some idea, most white people have no idea what Ubuntu is. In fact most people haven't ever heard of it - so what is it?
I looked up the word in the Dictionary of South African English and
found that is described as meaning 'human heartedness' and the equivalent
Chinese word is jin (from jin and
jang). A few quotations appear under this definition to show its
context. King Goodwill is quoted as
'Ubuntu Botho is synonymous with humanism'.
Another quote states that
'organisation is not that of the individual but of man in community',
and another that
'possessive individualism and hoarding are seen as a denial of
I happen to know a bit about Ubuntu and I was a little shocked at what I read. You see Ubuntu come from the word Urbantu. It denotes by and large the common roots, especially linguistic roots of all African cultures. It denotes co-operation when under attack or oppression and togetherness more than anything else. Whilst importing Chinese notions such as the jin and jang philosophy, is absurd to say the very least, the rather obvious private possession and communist overtures in this definition are equally unrecognisable by the average black person as elements of Ubuntu. Kenneth Kaunda twisted Ubuntu under orders from the Kremlin (see 'A History of Communism in S.A' by Henry Pike), so the above definition is clearly the 'Kaunda version'. What surprised me most of all however, is King Goddwill's definition which deals with Humanism, and in the context of the other quotations more specifically, secular Humanism.
Lets take a quick look at the whole notion of Humanism then. Humanism is best expressed in two political documents, Humanist Manifesto I and II, both extremely new age in nature. Lets take a look at some quotations from these documents:-
"First Authoritarian religions that place revelation, god, ritual,
or creed above human needs and experience do a disservice to the human species"
"Sixth We believe that intolerant attitudes, often cultivated
by orthodox religions and spiritual cultures, unduly repress sexual conduct..
Moral education for children and adults is an important way of developing
awareness in sexual maturity.."
"Ninth: The separation
of state and separation of
ideology and state are
“Twelfth We deplore division on nationalistic grounds... we look to the development of a system of world law and world order based on transnational federal government.. we thus reaffirm a commitment to the building of world community.."
"Humanists still
believe that traditional theism, especially faith in the prayer-hearing God,
assumed to love and care for persons, to hear and understand their prayers, and
to be able to do something about them, is an unproved and outmoded faith. Salvationism, based on mere affirmation, still appears as harmful, diverting people
with false hopes of heaven thereafter.."
Professor Harold J Berry, an authority on the subject says that 'The Humanist Manifesto I' states that:-
"Humanism... does insist
that the way to determine the existence of any and all realities is by means
of intelligent inquiry and by the
assessment of their relation to
human needs"
This, he says,
“is situation ethics - that right and wrong depend on the
situation. Everything is relative.
John Whitehead says:
“Under ‘relativism', the
concepts of truth and non-truth become
blurred. As a consequence, people, once they accept relativism, by definition
cannot know what the truth is. Instead, they can only guess as to the best
course to follow. Thus it becomes
easier to sell non-truth to such a society'"
Professor Berry states further that:-
"Secular Humanism is a
closed system. As such, it will eventually seek to eliminate alternative
viewpoints. The secular state wants no competition in the arena of ideas. Furthermore, let there be no misunderstanding.
Secular Humanists in key positions of leadership in government, media and the
public education system will do all they can to stamp out biblical Christianity."
Last year I wrote a paper that circulate through the country following the ANC/SACP suggestion that S.A become a secular state:-
It is therefore important that 'The Humanist Manifesto', not be confused with a 'Declaration of Human rights', as this will result in the situation where one religion is given license to breach the fundamental rights and freedoms of others. Moreover it creates the possibility where religious beliefs can become doctrines in state policy and in law, which doctrines will lead to the oppression of others.
This is amply supported by the fact that the believers in Secular Humanism have, inter alia, all but banned all writings of Creation Scientists from public schools, and instead propagate, only the theory of Evolution as if it were a fact. All evidence of Noah's Ark is also virtually banned from our educational institutions. Why? Why this selective propaganda?
The United States Supreme Court ruled in 1961 in the case of Torasco v Watkins that Secular Humanism is a religion.
I mentioned the ANC/SACP submission to the Constitutional Assembly. You may remember that some 20-30,000 Christians marched on Parliament on May 3 1996 in protest against a secular state and again later this year to the tune of a further 10-20,000 people. Despite De Klerk and Ramaphosa's public promises, the new Constitution is totally secular. However, blatant lies such as that almost pale into insignificance when one considers the blatant lies published in the report of the Constitutional Assembly, which grossly understated the submissions made to the Constitutional Assembly.
· 72% of South Africans opposed abortion - this was ignored we now have abortion.
· In fact 78.7% of ANC supporters rejected abortion.
· 1,1 million signatures were handed in to reinstate the death penalty as against the 186 376 the C.A says it got for it's removal. No campaigns existed for its removal - ignored
Chief Judge of the Constitutional Court, Chaskalson (who defended arch communist Braam Fisher) said:-
"the question is not what the majority believe a proper sentence should be. It is whether the Constitution allows the sentence."
What's happened to the notion of democracy?
· 99.7% did not want pornography legalised 220,000 signatures against compared to none reflected as being for it - ignored.
· A truck load full of some 6 Million signatures on education was lost by the Constitutional assembly - yes even though the SABC covered the handing over.
· A 20,000 strong march against the sexual orientation clause was ignored against 7,032 signatures in favour of it (the constitutional assembly reflected only 546 against whilst organisations such as CFT sent hundreds of thousands of signatures. - not shown - figures changes - rigged - ignored - 'so what if it is blatant - no one will react.'
· 71% favoured federalism - ignored
· Quite surprisingly, 65% opposed land distribution - ignored - we now have a clearly socialist Constitution. When the world saw this, the RAND plummeted - the NP pulled out - down went the RAND again - then the minister of finance unveiled his new plan - SABC said how good it was - the world voted with their actions - the RAND took another death dive.
· 230,000 Christians signed the Christianity and Religious Freedom Document - the C.A does not even mention this - ignored
As a result the government forged ahead on predetermined agenda without consensus. Why? Because the state policy is decided by Conditionalities clauses built into our loans with the BIS (G7 countries) the IMF, the World Bank and others. International loans and agreements are law in this country - the populous have no say. Wait, let me prove it to you - out of the Constitution.
In Section 82(1) of the IC the President is given power to sign international agreements and in Section 231(2) provision for their ratification in Parliament is made, and then it states:-
"such international agreements shall be binding on the republic and from part of the law of the republic."
Well, unbeknown to those Christians at the first march in may the issue was already decided in January - it was already law. let me explain. My attention was drawn to an article in the Sunday Tribune of 29 January 1995 in which it was stated that S.A agreed with India that it was secular and to fight and condemn religious extremism. I contacted the Department of Foreign Affairs to obtain a copy of the agreement. First they gave me another one signed the same day which said nothing of the sort. Later I went there personally and found it. Note the two different computer printouts I was given - the one only reflects one agreement while the other reflects both. Now look at what the agreement states:-
"The High Contracting Parties"... recognise that they
share the ideals of peace, democracy and secular governance. Having
resolved to fight against apartheid, racial discrimination and religious
fundamentalism." (emph. added)
and in article six
"the High Contracting Parties condemn all forms of hatred, violence, fundamentalism and religious extremism."
In the Journal of Theology For Southern Africa of December 1989 volume 69 entitled "Right Wing Religious Movements" it was made very clear that literal Bible believing Christians and organisation such as Campus Crusade, Jimmy Swaggert Ministries, Christian Mission International, Frontline Fellowship, United Christian Action, Bet-El Ministries, were all Fundamentalist Militant far right , unwanted, obstructionist etc.
Janet Reno, the attorney General of the USA defined cultists after the WACO incident. See if you fit the Bill because you are a cultist if you:-
Believe in the literal truth of the Bible
Believe in the immanent return of Christ
Frequent Bible studies
Give to Christian causes
Mistrust big government
6. Own a firearm
The Federal Emergency Management Agency in the USA has two sub divisions, operation 'Garden Plot' and 'Cable Splicer', with 64 massive detention centers (built like prisons next to rail yards for mass importation of people) right around America to help people to rehabilitate, complete with gas chambers and some even have guillotines (see American Justice Federation and Texxe Marrs's video on this - it will shock you). Powers under FEMA as being incorporated in S.A, the International Drug Abuse Act and the Hate Crimes Statistic Clauses in our Publications Control Act, pave the same way in South Africa. Are you committing hate crimes against homosexuals when you read Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6:9 in your church? - the law says you are. Careful you may have to get rehabilitated. Maybe that is why the NIV version of the Bible has changed it to 'homosexual offenders' being and abomination to God. As a gay Minister explained - these are those that offend homosexuals!
Now there we have the real reason why the representations were
ignored! The representations are themselves illegal. Have we entered the tribulation? Well if your rights are
ignored in a court of law on religious grounds, then perhaps we have. The test
for that will lie in the interpretation of the law. What we are talking about
here is the overwhelming secular humanist religion of mass consciousness which
is to promote the national interest, i.e. the promotion of 'national unity'.
Well what really is the national interest. Of course these are contained in our international loan agreements, as we are dependent on these loans. Our national welfare and therefore our national interest is - the good of the nation, 'en masse'.
Therefore the New World Order's aims become ours, simply because we have agreed to them and thereby incorporated them into our law. Mammon which runs the New World Order therefore dictates. The existence of the NWO is not even debatable any more. Most politicians openly propagate the idea and aims of the New World Order. Mandela called for it and his speech to the joint houses of congress in the USA was applauded as the best description of the NWO any of them have ever heard. Pik Botha told Mbeki on SABC in 1994 "The New World Order will not allow that". Bush talked of it. In 1933 the USA one dollar bill proclaimed it as "Announcing the inception of the New order which is secular". On the 10th of February 1989 a body called the 'Provisional World Government' was established which has a Globalist Secular Humanist constitution which relies on the withdrawal of international credit for its ratification. Politicians such as Buthelezi, Tutu and some Chief justices were among the International Honorary founding sponsors when it was still the WCPA. On 1 January 1995 the WCPA released its manifesto stating:
"Acting on behalf of all inhabitants of earth, we hereby take possession of all the oceans and seabeds of earth... thus comprising at least 70% of earth for the beginning of World Government."
A "World Disarmament Agency" was formed. Authorised lines of credit in earth Dollars were initiated at one billion dollars per million of population. In this report Phillip Isely admitted that third world countries would find it hard to go against the IMF and World Bank wishes. PWG divided the world into 10 regions exactly according to the Club of Rome's map in line with Daniel's 10 toes in his image and the 10 kings in Revelations 17. 10 Kings can be seen over the EU official ad. Time gets to the point when it puts a woman on the beast in an article entitled "Europe: How fast? How far?". With the Vatican Bank in control of World finances, what with producing 5 Bil $ clear profit minimum a week (see Avro Manhattan's the 'Vatican Billions', 'The Washington Moscow Vatican Alliance', 'In Gods name' by Yallop, 'All roads lead to Rome', 'The Secret History of the Jesuits' etc.) it is clear who the whore is (see Revelations 17). In the latest Catholic Catechism the Pope says that the NWO is not only possible but necessary. Moreover he says all religions, no matter what they are must fall under him as salvation is only through him. (see new Catholic catechism)
Moreover, our IC states in the preamble;- 'whereas there is a need for a
new order..'
According to section 232 however these international agreements need to be ratified by parliament. The question is can they afford not to ratify these? It is pretty clear that the country will relapse into a depression without the money from the BIS etc. which it is sure to loose if the conditionalities are breached.
A look at the protagonists in this New World order (Which is another study all in itself and to which end I have a 200 page pamphlet on the issue available if anyone is interested), reveals that they want religious unity and are against the family unit and nationalism, all individualism even on an international level. Why? because only by having everyone 'of like mind', can they take control of the world. That aim is no secret, even though the Publications Control Board are still trying to stifle 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' which have been so precisely fulfilled as to make any allegations as to their irrelevancy now utterly laughable.
Establish a One World Order (Mc Alvany May 1996)
Establish a One World Religion - i.e. interfaith in the case
Lets just take a glimpse at some of S.A's commitments. R504-m for reconstruction. $ 1 Bil a year in World Bank Loans. R7 Bil British Aid Package. Out of every GNP RAND in S.A we pay some 92c offshore in interest reduction only. Are we a sovereign state as the Constitution States. Who owns Portnet, Transnet, Propnet, Telcom, Tolcom etc. - the government - where did they get the money to buy the majority shares in these 'privatised companies' who owns the call option son those shares? It is the BIS and IMF that's who. And that means that other countries own our entire infrastructure! We are not sovereign so we are not free to be democratic. We are a Constitutional Autocracy (the judges are appointed not elected), but they are in contempt of the instrument that regulates them so we are living in a Judicial dictatorship where judges decide the law, state policy and religion. I will prove it to you:-
1. An HSRC Centre For Constitutional Analysis paper states:-
"The promotion of Ubuntu will be the Fundamental contribution
towards the building of democracy. It
also lies at the heart of the Reconstruction and Development Program." and then ominously states that not to promote Ubuntu "is to continue
to be destructive"
On page 161 and 166 of the Constitutional Court's judgement on the death penalty we read that:-
"Ubuntu permeates the constitution
It is crystal clear that Ubuntu is serious stuff indeed.
Looking at where some of that foreign money goes, in the Integrated Community Building Program we read that:-
"The key purpose of this new grouping is to bring everyone
together in mutual support of each other for the benefit of the community as a
whole, socially, economically, culturally and spiritually, in the true sense of
Ubuntu expressed thus:
"I am
because we are - we are because I am"
Now there you have it - socialism, communism, the cultural melting pot and interfaith, all seasoned with some secular blasphemy - I am that I am - God is not part of it - I am a God, 'only uncooperative selfish and destructive man created God in his own imagination - man created God not God - man.'
Not surprising then that ICDA, the Interfaith Community Development Association falls under the same Mass Based Community Organising Workshop. Look at the interfaith seminar of 6-7 September 1995, on
'NEW Modes of Thinking On The Eve of a New Century! South African Perspectives'
and there is the symbol described as
"the religion that feeds and fosters all religions and emphasises their common greatness".
Hugh Levin stated in Harare in the early eighties at the Ecumenical centre that Interdenominationalism amongst Protestants will facilitate Ecumenism which will facilitate Interfaith. And the Church has fallen for it hook line and sinker. Last year the Methodist Church in their rivers of compassion lecture by Rev Colin Garvie stated:-
"Join us on a journey
of discovery and understanding as we sail some of the world's great rivers of
compassion - the Yoga of the Gita - the Zen of Suzuki, the Sufism of Rumi and the Ubuntu of Kaunda - to the
great ocean of Christian love. In this series of four sessions we will
undertake a surprising voyage of spiritual enrichment as we explore the concept
of Divine Love and Compassion found in
Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Traditional African Religion. Not only will we
gain a deeper appreciation of our neighbours religion but begin to experience
the down to earth mystery of what Methodists refer to as "Perfect
Africa Enterprise did a newsletter in August 1995 sporting the title "UBUNTU - AE style" in which they laud Ubuntu as an important "Bridge Building Encounter".
Have you read Dr. Ed Cain's 'Signposts on the SACC, the Rustenburg Declaration, TEASA, Media Spotlight's Vol. 14 on the 'Parliament of the World's religions'? Have you taken a good look at SABC's Koinonia program and how that pushes interfaith? Have you listened to Religion on the line on radio? How easily we are brainwashed through gradualism. As a secret Illuminati document from the book 'Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper' illustrates overleaf.
Just look at the size of the Rockefeller Empire. I have covered gradualism in education in my book "South Africa on a Point of Order - a look at who and what is behind the new order in S.A" in which I show how the Rockerfeller's control the philosophy of our schools along the lines of occultists like Dewey and Alice Baily - all towards this hysteria called 'Globalism'.
We have become like frogs falling asleep in a slowly heated bucket of water, whereupon we just get boiled up. In the book the 'CIA and the Cult of Intelligence' we read about the various other techniques used by governments in achieving these aims. CIA infiltration of S.A MI is well documented in several books, the latest of which is 'Volksverraad' by Advocate Piet Pretorius, an ex NI member. More specific detail is summarized in this Mainstream publication:-
John Coleman in his book 'Conspirators Hierarchy and the Committee of 300' has laid out the organisational diagram of the whole elaborate scheme, the line of command, and the so called 'Fellowship of the Faith's' involved.
Alberto Riviera, an ex Jesuit priest and Bishop in Spain, published the Jesuit oath in the seventies- just look at it. Reading books like the 'Secret History of the Jesuits' by Edmond Paris will greatly enlighten you as to what the Jesuits are all about. Did you know that Tony O Reily of the Argus group is a Jesuit and so is one of Buthelezi's chief advisors Ambrosinni. How many ministers were not caught by the Alexandrian Cult's teachings in Bible School? How many callings has that cult not destroyed? Look at the WCC poster. However, all of this was prophesied see Rev 17:3-6, 9 & 18 - the whore rides the beast. I do another lecture on apostasy in the churches, maybe you will have me over for that some time.
What is happening to day though, is that those who resist interfaith are just infiltrated and in most cases destroyed through litigation. I give a whole separate talk on the "the Christian and litigation"
Even Islam is being promoted on Interfaith lines today. A group called the Ancient Arabic Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (Islamic Masonic Order and Petro Dollar bosses) have put together Billions of Dollars for the promotion of an interfaith strain of Islam starting at the largest Islamic propagation centre in the world - in Durban by a campaign designed to discredit Christianity and the Bible and frown on extremists. Hence the ease with which Mandela can call for an Islamic state in S.A.
As I said, if you fail to co - operate you will get infiltrated, placed under surveillance and finally destroyed through litigation. Look at this NI Fax that was unearthed in the ACDP case. Now the St. John's Apostolic Faith Mission is under similar attack and I am helping them. On Sunday Night I will be ministering in a church in Chatsworth under similar attack. In the Cape a Congregationalist groups is under the same treatment.
A very clear message is out my brothers and sisters:- You either join Ubuntu , fall in line with state policy or we will get you and this is how:-
First we try to indoctrinate you through various techniques including VLISF (Very Low Infra Sound
If that fails, we will place you under surveillance, infiltrate
you and then destroy you through
litigation which you will loose because you are outside state policy.
If that fails, we will incarcerate you under the Hate Crimes
statistic clauses, FEMA regulations or some other International Instrument.
Have you been scared? Remember, the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. God planned all this and allowed his prophets map out his plans in a book - the Bible - that is real bold and it is called prophecy - and Satan can do absolutely nothing but fall in line with it. In Revelations 12:12 we read that this system that is developing here under the 10 Kings, the beast, will 'make war against the saints and overcome them'.
Jesus promised us persecution. He said we will be dragged before Kings and Courts as a witness against them. What a wonderful opportunity to preach in Parliament, the Courts and even in Jails - there you have a real captive audience. All this is part of God's plan. First the Church suffers then it is removed only to return with Christ to reign.
One does not oppose God's plan, and run around putting out little moral fires. No, you wise up, get prudent and get a birds eye view. Find the guy with the matches and if you cannot take them off him because God gave them to him then expose him so that others can be prudent to. Warn people but know when to dust your feet and stop casting pearls before the swine.
It seems pretty clear from scripture that we are to submit to Government. It is equally clear that there are limits in this sphere as we are not to take the mark of the beast or submit to being made to partake of practices which will interfere with our salvation and God's will (His laws) for us, primarily the spreading of the Gospel.
Insofar our obligations are concerned, it is also clear that discipleship is not optional and we are to exhort, correct, reprove etc. at all times. We cannot sit by and see others being led astray without letting the truth shine forth from the rooftops in order to dispel the darkness and deception around us. In this respect we must be prepared to be persecuted.
As for the results of this, it seems perfectly clear that God will let his prophecies be fulfilled in His own good time and will prevent them being altered, rushed or slowed down.